Fort Worth Residents in Texas Share What to Do When Your AC Goes Out

It’s a bit toasty

Hopefully you never have to endure the pains of a broken air conditioner in the summer—but accidents do happen. If you find yourself stuck at home with a broken air conditioner, there are some things you can do to get some relief. With average temperatures in Fort Worth, Texas climbing up to the mid-90s in the summer heat, you’ll be thankful that you read this if your air conditioner ever goes out.

Be sure to try these solutions if you want to relieve yourself from some of the hottest temperatures in the nation.

Call them up

If you believe your air conditioner has failed, the first thing you should do is call up an expert HVAC serviceman to take a look at potential problems. In a situation such as this, it is better to be safe than sorry. Waiting around will only increase the chances of more air conditioner components malfunctioning. This could lead to costly repairs or require an AC replacement. 

The tips from here on out are some solutions you can try while you are waiting for help.

Get some fresh air

If the pollen and humidity levels are low, consider opening the windows to let in a cool breeze. The benefits are even greater if you create a cross-breeze by opening doors and windows that are on opposite ends of the house. If you want to even one step further, turn on the ceiling fan, or set up some upright fans to create a more intense breezy effect to cool you off. This will give you some relief while waiting for a repair.

Get out

If you are having to wait all day for an air conditioner repairman, or discover that you need an AC replacement, don’t panic. There are some things you can do outside of home. One productive thing to do would be visiting some wholesale air conditioner or home improvement stores to price new air conditioners. If you have to wait around for a repair, consider seeing some cool sights around town like the Kimbell Art Museum or the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth. This is a great way to stay cool and enjoy some of the finer things in life while waiting to resolve the air conditioner issues back at the homestead.