Amana AMVC8/ADVC8 Two Stage, Variable Speed Gas Furnace Review

For a quality, efficient furnace, look no further than the Amana AMVC8/ADVC8 furnace. This model is at the top of the line of Amana’s standard efficiency furnaces and provides 80 percent AFUE. It has excellent features and an industry-leading warranty. Here is a closer look at this unit’s features, pricing, warranty, and installation.


  • Amana’s patented Million Air™ stainless steel dual-diameter tubular heat exchanger
  • ComfortNet communications system enables the components to communicate
  • Electronic control board with self-diagnostics for simple troubleshooting
  • Efficient, quiet variable-speed circulator motor for maximum efficiency and comfort
  • Factory tested
  • SureStart™ silicon nitride igniter
  • Auto-comfort mode for enhanced dehumidification

This is a less-efficient furnace at 80 percent AFUE. If you are considering it to save money up front but really need something more efficient, please know that the savings on this model are marginal. You will probably spend $400 to $600 less on this model than you would on one of Amana’s 95 percent AFUE furnaces. Consider the up-front cost savings compared to a lifetime of lowered energy bills. Regardless, this 80 percent AFUE model will still save on energy compared to the 50 to 60 percent AFUE furnace you are likely replacing.

Amana offers an industry-leading lifetime unit replacement warranty if the heat exchanger fails (for as long as you own your home). It also includes a 10-year limited parts warranty. Labor warranties may be available from the installing contractor. We recommend choosing an experienced, quality HVAC technician to install your unit. The unit will only work as well as it is installed, and a poor installation will mean higher energy bills for you and a shorter life for your unit. A good HVAC technician will have the know-how to install the unit and ability to calibrate it to your home’s specific needs so you’re getting the most for your money.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when selecting an HVAC contractor:

  • Use a contractor that is licensed, bonded, insured, and certified
  • They should have a good BBB rating
  • Willing to do a Manual J load calculation instead of going off of square footage
  • Will be getting necessary permits
  • Willing to provide references
  • Check online reviews to make sure they have a good reputation

Amana is a great brand backed by an excellent warranty. The AMVC8/ADVC8 is a great furnace, but consider a higher efficiency furnace if you live in a cooler climate.