Humidity is not something a person wants to have in their home. It causes sleep problems, makes their hair frizzy, makes their pets smell worse, rust and other oxidation occurs and most of all it is truly uncomfortable. The residents of Novato, California deal with humidity as do many other people in the United States. There are a couple different ways they handle this problem when it occurs in their homes.
Air conditioner filters are a great way to ward of such an uncomfortable problem. They aren’t very expensive at all either. Also for those who have a furnace filters can be replaced as well. Some wholesale air conditioners have a “dry” setting included. By using this setting and keeping your air filters clean and new; most humidity should not be bad at all. You can also buy a humidifier. A humidifier’s main job is to remove any water from the air.
Both of these methods make such a much more relaxed atmosphere. A cheap way to keep humidity at bay is to use duct tape to cover the soil in house plants. The soil creates humidity in the air. Furthermore, it grows mold, and the water will evaporate if not covered, creating humidity. Humidity is a main cause of allergies as well.
If there is humidity in someone’s home who is allergic to pollen, pet dander, or mold; their symptoms may become a problem. Other ways to decrease the humidity in your home is to take shorter showers, by doing this, it decreases the warm water coming into direct contact with cold water. This is the process that creates humidity in the air. When the cooler parts of one’s house comes in direct contact with the warm outside air, it can cause condensation to occur on the surfaces that are cold. This wetness from the condensation is also another perfect environment for mold to grow.
Older air conditioners will not keep humidity out of the air as well as newer models. Some people that have an older model may want to look into an AC replacement.While looking at the newer models an individual may want to look into the models that have the “dry” mode included, as mentioned above. They may even look at the models that measure the humidity in the air. The new air conditioners have many features that are much higher tech than they used to be.A service technician, or stores that sell air conditioners would be their best route.