Novato, California’s summers last long. Therefore, the residents of Novato have in endured going without an air conditioner commonly. There are ways to combat the heat when their air conditioner goes out of service.
If they have fans they should use them to help circulate the air. By using fans, the air doesn’t become stagnant. Although the fans may be blowing warm air, it is still in movement and always feels better than air that isn’t flowing throughout the home. Another way to help reduce the heat in the Californians home is to close the ducts in rooms that aren’t used. If the rooms are never in use there is no reason to leave the doors open because they will only create more heat throughout the home.
Also, if the vents are closed in rooms that the air will flow the air conditioner will produce more flowing air through the areas in use and will not be wasted in those unused areas. Another great way in helping you feel comfortable during these hot moments in time is to use cotton bed sheets. If you do not use cotton sheets you may consider changing to cotton sheets. Other materials trap heat therefore, during your sleep it will keep heat underneath your body making you extremely uncomfortable which could make you lose sleep. Turn off any appliances that are not in constant use.
They will create unwanted heat. Any appliances you do use during the day should be unplugged when not in use. Also, unplugging your washer and dryer at night will cut down on the amount of heat in your home tremendously. Another way to remove heat from your home during the day is to stop any use of your dryer at all times. You may consider drying clothes and linens on a close line after you wash them. You could also spend time outside throughout the day. The breeze may cool you off more so than staying inside throughout these uncomfortable times. Taking a swim or running through the sprinkler can also aid in helping you stay cool this summer not to mention it’s fun.
Overall, these tip for staying cool this summer in case your wholesale air conditioner stops working, may tremendously help in keeping you cooler. In any event your unit needs to be replaced an air conditioning specialist will need to service your air conditioner and may possibly recommend an AC replacement altogether.