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What is a Split System – Heating and Cooling Systems Explained

What Is a Split System?

The most common type of central air conditioning system used in the U.S. is the “split” type of system. It’s called a “split” system because it’s comprised of two main components, one located inside the home and one located outside the home. The interior component, also known as the air handler, has a blower and evaporator coil to distribute cool air through the ducts of the home, and the outside unit houses a compressor and condensing coil which pumps refrigerant into the system.

A split air condition system uses electricity as it power source and utilizes the ducts in a home to distribute cool air and warm air when needed. Using the same network of ducts for both heating and cooling makes the split system one of the most efficient types of air conditioning systems available.

To learn more about other types of systems, click here. 

You can also watch this system explainer video which contains a condensed overview:


How a Split Air Conditioning System Operates

The compressor, which is housed in the outdoor metal cabinet, is a motorized unit that pumps a liquid coolant through pipes (also known as “refrigerant lines”) to the interior unit, where it then removes heat and moisture from the home. It does this through a process called phase conversion, where warm air blows over the evaporator coil causing the liquid refrigerant to change from a liquid state to a gaseous state (vapor). When a substance changes from a liquid to a gas, a unique result is the removal of heat from the air. Within the air handler, the cooler air is then blown through the vents into the home while the vapor is transferred back to the outside air conditioning unit where the condenser coil changes it back to a liquid and the process begins all over again.

Air conditioning has come a long way since a young engineer named Willis Carrier invented the first air modern air conditioning unit in 1902. While working for a printing press, Carrier was asked to solve the humidity problem in the plant, which was causing the pages of the magazines wrinkle and curl up at the edges. The system he designed controlled the humidity by sending air over water-cooled coils. Recognizing the usefulness of his invention, he went on to form his own company which focused on developing and improving the air conditioning system.

Today, air conditioning is considered an essential part of modern living allowing us to remain cool in our homes, places of work, restaurants, schools, hospitals, etc. Air conditioning has become an important and integral part of our everyday lives. In fact, Americans consume more energy each year running air conditioners than the rest of the world combined. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, nearly 6% of all the electricity produced in the United States is used by air conditioners, costing homeowners almost $30 billion in annual costs and producing nearly 117 million metric tons of carbon dioxide in the air each year.

This is why energy standards have been adapted for manufacturers to produce more energy-efficient appliances and air conditioning units. The air conditioners manufactured today are 50% more efficient than those produced just ten years ago, saving consumers millions of dollars and reducing the amount of harmful pollutants being released into the environment.

Split air conditioning systems are one of the most energy efficient systems you can find. With SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) values ranging in the high 20s, split systems are a great choice for the environmentally and budget-conscious consumer.

The Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute also has a number of resources to help homeowners understand their systems here. 


Split Air Conditioning Installation

The most important aspect of the split AC system is the installation. If it’s done properly, your system will perform at its optimum level, but if it is not installed properly, then the result could be higher utility bills, frequent maintenance problems, and uneven cooling. Before installing the two parts of a split air conditioning system, first it must be determined where the inside component should be located. Typically, the indoor unit is placed in a closet or cabinet, but if neither of those is available, then another space must be used.


Attic Installation

Some interior units of a split system are housed in the attic. There are many contractors, however, who believe installing the air handler in the attic is not the best idea as attics are typically not air conditioned and, therefore, get very hot in the summer. This can affect the efficiency of the indoor unit. Ducts expand and contract with temperature changes and an area with unregulated temperature, such as the attic, could cause leaks and loosening of the duct seals. Additionally, with the indoor unit housed in the attic, one may forget about it and not perform regularly required maintenance, or may not want to if the unit is hard to get to. In older homes where space is limited, there may be no other option than the attic for the location of the indoor unit. In this case, it’s important that the ductwork be properly sealed and insulated and the installation is done by an AC professional.


Garage Installation

The garage is a location many people think is ideal for installing the air handler as there is usually plenty of space, it’s not as hot as the attic, and there’s enough room to easily access the unit for repairs. However, there is a case to be made that the garage is probably the worst place for the air handler. Many people use their garages to store items such as pesticides, lawn mowers, paint, and their automobiles that often have the engine running before the garage door opens or closes. This can cause garages to have high levels of carbon monoxide and various other pollutants that contaminate the air, which could be getting sucked into your home through leaks or gaps in the air handler. Poor indoor air quality is a health concern and may result in serious health issues. If the garage is the only place available for your air handler, then it is recommended that it is placed in an insulated and air-sealed closet to reduce contaminants from entering the system. Other actions you should take would be to make sure the duct system is properly sealed and purchase a carbon monoxide monitor for the inside of your home.


Crawl Space Installation

Installing the air handler in a crawl space is a popular option as it keeps the unit “out of the way.” However, many crawl spaces are damp and dark and can get hot and humid during the warmer months. Therefore, it’s important to make sure your crawl space in encapsulated and not vented to the outside as this could cause mold growth and reduce air quality, especially if you live in a more humid climate. Installing a dehumidifier in the crawl space is beneficial as well.


Basement Installation

Basements are also a place where air handlers can be installed as it offers an “out of sight” location like attics and crawl spaces, although the basement allows for easier access to the unit.


How Much Does a Split System Cost?

There are several factors which will affect the cost of an AC unit, but the usual range for installing a new split air conditioning system is between $3,700 and $7,200. The size of your home, whether or not ducts need to be installed, repaired, or replaced, and installation rates are the top determining factors affecting the cost of your new AC system. Also, it’s important to make sure you purchase the right-sized air conditioner for your home. This is where a professional AC contractor is key helping you determine the best AC fit for your needs.

First, the contractor will determine how much cooling power your home will need by performing a load calculation. This measurement takes in account a variety of factors affecting the temperature of your home such as square footage, number and types of windows, how much heat loss your home experiences, insulation levels, whether or not your home is located in the shade, etc. This data is then analyzed to determine how much air your air conditioning system is likely to lose and which system is the best one for efficiently cooling your home.

The climate in which you live is also an important factor that will determine the type of AC unit that will be best for your home. If you live in a hot, humid climate, you will want an air conditioning system that effectively cools and dehumidifies your home. You will also likely want a unit with a higher SEER rating for energy savings as an air conditioner in a state like Florida is going to work a lot harder in the summer than one in a state such as Minnesota. If you live in a drier or milder climate, then a lower-rated SEER model should suffice.

It’s important to make sure your HVAC equipment is sized properly for your home as a system that is too small won’t effectively cool the air, and one that is too large won’t properly remove all the humidity in the air, cause uneven cooling, and increased utility bills.

The SEER number you choose for your split system will also affect the price. Higher-rates SEER units will save you more money each month, but the upfront costs are more expensive than lower SEER models. To learn more about SEER, click here. To find out about SEER minimums where you live view this Seer Mimimums Map.


Pros and Cons of Split Air Conditioning Systems


  • Split systems are large and bulky with a unit located not only outdoors, but indoors as well. A significant amount of space is needed to house the large, unattractive metal cabinet of the indoor air handling unit and some smaller houses don’t have a lot of space to give up to begin with.
  • Ductwork needs to be installed if not already present and this can be costly. Also, if ductwork is present and was installed years ago, it will likely need to be cleaned, repaired, or even replaced if it is not a good fit for the new air conditioner.
  • Installation is more complicated and tricky with an indoor component, outdoor component, and lengthy network of ducts. There’s more opportunity for something to go wrong or mistakes to occur.
  • The indoor air handling unit may be housed in an area that is difficult to get to and repair.
  • Higher repair costs – with more parts, there’s more that can go wrong.



  • A consistent temperature is easily maintained and distributed throughout the home with central air conditioning.
  • The AC components are hidden away behind walls, in out-of-the-way-places, or outside.
  • Split systems have more availability of higher SEER rated options for saving even more money and energy than standard models. The U.S. Department of Energy has mandated that a minimum SEER rating of 15 will go into effect for southern states in 2023 (SEER 14 for northern states), but many manufacturers are already producing split system units with SEER ratings as high as 28.
  • Split air conditioning systems are better at removing humidity and cooling larger spaces.



What Is the Difference Between a Split System and a Ductless System?

A ductless air conditioning system is also split into two parts with an indoor and outdoor component, just like the split central air conditioning system, however, a ductless system does not require ducts. Ductless systems are a great option for those homeowners who don’t have a network of ducts already installed in their home, don’t want to tear up their walls installing ducts, or just don’t have the room for them.

Besides no ducts, this type of system differs from split systems in that instead of one air handler in the home, there are multiple “mini” air handlers which are installed in every room, usually high up on the wall. This type of installation allows for the temperature of each room to be individually controlled by the thermostat on the air handler unit. Therefore, if one person prefers a room temperature of 78 while another prefers their room temperature to be 72, then this system offers that type of temperature control variability.


Air Filters & Maintaining Your Split Air Conditioning System

Once you’ve installed your new central AC system, it’s important to perform regular maintenance, service, and repair to extend its life and make sure it operates at maximum efficiency. One of the most important ways to take care of your air conditioner is to replace the filters regularly. The large amount of air traveling through your AC system contains dust, debris, allergens, and pollutants, which is cleaned when pulled through the air filter. If the filter gets dirty and clogged, then the air cannot be cleaned as effectively and air flow is reduced. Clean filters equal clean air, dirty filters… less so. It’s best to check your air filters at least every two weeks and replace them as soon as they look dirty.



How Does a Humidifier Work?

Lower humidity levels in the winter air can be quite uncomfortable for humans; this is true even when we are in warm indoor spaces. We need certain air humidity levels to stay comfortable.  It’s normal for indoor humiditylevels to dip in the wintertime and that just dries out your mucous membranes and skin.

Lower humidity levels also make the indoor spaces feel colder than they already are. The dryness in the air tends to dry out wooden features in your home like the floors and walls. The shrinkage in the wood results in cracks in the plastering and drywall and you will notice that the floorboards start to creak.

Here we talk about how installing a humidifier can help increase comfort levels in your home. It can also reduce the wear and tear on your home, as it adds moisture to the air. You will be surprised to see how much of a difference a little bit of water makes to the indoor environment in your home. Before we discuss the working of a humidifier, we need to understand a little bit about what relative humidity is.

Relative Humidity

The air’s relative humidity impacts how comfortable you feel. Humidity is typically defined as the levels of moisture in the air. When you stand a while in the bathroom after taking a shower, you are able to see the steam all around you. If you are outdoors after heavy rainfall, you would be able to feel the humidity in the air.  Contrastingly, if you are standing in a desert area that hasn’t experienced any rain for a few months; you would be in an environment with low humidity levels.

The air has certain amounts of water vapor. The total amount of water vapor that a certain air mass can hold is dependent on the air’s temperature. If the air is warm, it would be able to hold more water. Low relative humiditylevels mean the air has a lot of dryness in it and that it has the capacity to hold much more moisture at that particular temperature.

For example, 68 ° F, the maximum amount of water that a cubic meter of air is able to hold is 18 grams. At 77° F, the same amount of air is able to hold 22 gms of water. If the temperature is 68 ° F and 1cubic-meter of air has 22 gms of water, the relative humidity becomes 100%. If that amount of air has 11 grams of water, then the relative humidity is 50%. If it has 0 gms of water, then the relative humidity is 0%.

Types of Humidifiers

If the relative humidity levels in your home are very low in the winter, these can be raised by installing a humidifier in the space. There are a number of different types of humidifiers; this is how they work:

1. Evaporative Humidifier

This is the most common type of humidifier. It’s an extremely simple device that is largely self-regulating. The cold water is held in a reservoir, which gets dispensed into a basin. The system has a wicking filter that absorbs the water that’s been dispensed in the basin. A fan blows air right through the wet filter. When the air moves through the filter, some of the water there gets evaporated.

If the relative humidity in the space is higher, it becomes more difficult   for the water to evaporate from the filter; this is why the humidifier has a self-regulating function. With a rise in humidity, the water vapor output of the humidifier decreases.

At times, the evaporative humidifier is connected to the home or building’s heating & cooling system. These systems function in a similar manner. The metal screen/mesh that’s situated in the duct that comes from the AC/furnace; water from the home’s pipes flows vertically down this screen. As the air that’s coming from the duct moves across the screen, it lifts that moisture and transfers it into the indoor spaces.

2. Steam Humidifier

This is also sometime referred to as a vaporizer. This system boils water and the warm steam gets released into the room. This is the simplest type of humidifier and so the least expensive as well when it comes to adding moisture to the indoor air. Stores carry some very basic impeller models that are available at less than $10. The other benefit of this particular technology is that you are also able to utilize a medical inhalant with this unit; this helps reduce coughs.

3. Impeller Humidifier

This system has a rotating disc that flings water towards a diffuser that looks very much like a comb. This diffuser breaks the water down into very fine droplets, which float in the air. Typically, you will be able to see a cool fog emitting from the humidifier; this adds to the humidity levels in the air.

4. Ultrasonic Humidifier


The unit has a metal diaphragm that vibrates at ultrasonic frequencies, somewhat like the manner in which a high-frequency speaker vibrates; this vibration is what creates the water droplets. This type of humidifier has a quiet operation and produces very cool fog.

Some Aspects to Keep in Mind

When you are weighing the pros and cons of various technologies, there are certain things you would have to keep in view:

    • Steam vaporizers aren’t the best solution if you have kids or pets in your home, as the vapor can cause burns.  These systems also have very high-energy costs, but you don’t have to worry about any mineral or bacterial contaminations with these systems. The ultrasonic and impeller systems use less power but raise certain other concerns. Since they blow stagnant water into your home, the air can contain bacteria. Cleaning the tank with regularity and refilling it with fresh water is one way to overcome this problem. The more advanced models of these units have antibacterial features built into them. Aside from this, ultrasonic and impeller designs send minerals into the air, especially if the water in your region has a lot of minerals; these minerals are visible as dust. The EPA recommends that you use distilled water in these



You have the option to install humidifiers as single portable units in different rooms; alternatively, if you want full-house humidity control through a single system, you can integrate them into your home’s furnace. You can track your home’s humidity levels by using a hygrometer. It will indicate what the relative humidity in your house is and will help you decide whether you need to get a humidifier installed.

What Chemicals are Used in Air Conditioners?

There are a number of different chemicals or refrigerants used in air conditioners. Before we go into the details of what each of these are, let’s understand what a refrigerant is.

What Exactly is a Refrigerant?

refrigerant is essentially a fluid that’s utilized in AC systems as well as refrigerators; these fluids take the heat from the indoor spaces and throw out the heat into the outdoor environment. This fluid moves through different phases and moves from a liquid state to a gaseous state when it absorbs heat. When it gets compressed in the compressor, it gets converted back into the liquid state.

The type of refrigerant used is based on what its thermodynamic properties are, its safety aspects and non-corrosive nature. Though there are number of different fluids that are used as refrigerants, CFCs are by far the most popular ones. Listed below is detailed information about what these different refrigerants and how they compare against each other; it will also help you understand why it’s important to have the right refrigerant.

HFCs (hydro-fluorocarbon)

1. R-22/Freon

    • R22 is commonly referred to as Freon, it brand name. It was discontinued as of 2010 in all new ACs.  By 2015, the use of this


    •  has to be discontinued across the board This is a HCFC which contributes to



The most commonly used refrigerants in new commercial AC systems include R-134a, R-410A and R-407C.

2. R-410A

    • This is generally referred to by brand names such as Genetron® AZ-20®, Suva® 9100 or Puron®. It’s been approved by the EPA for use in replacement air-conditioning systems This hydro-fluorocarbon doesn’t contribute to depletion of the earth’s


    •  layer The operating pressures of R-410A are 50% + higher than R-410A R-22. The systems must have components that have the compatibility to operate at these higher pressures. This is the commonest


     used in new light commercial unitary AC systems

3. R-407C

    • This


    •  generally goes by the brand name Genetron® 407C or Suva® 407C. It is a hydro-fluorocarbon that doesn’t contribute to


    •  depletion. When compared to HFC options of higher temperatures; this


    •  very closely-matches all the operating characteristics of Freon or R-22. This is high-glide


    that has lower efficiency levels. However, since its pressures are similar to that of R-22, it becomes the most ideal conversion.

4. R-134a

    R-134a is very commonly used in various AC systems across the globe.
    • It is a hydro-fluorocarbon that doesn’t contribute to


    •  depletion. It’s the 1st non-


    • -depleting HFC


    •  to be commercialized. This is a single-component


     that has no glide; it is used in a number of large-scale commercial screw chillers. It is an excellent long-term solution for light commercial and residential air-conditioning, on account of its combination direct GWP value and high-efficiency performance. It is very close in value to R-22. It is easy to incorporate into systems and AC system manufacturers use it in their products a due to its high efficiency as well. It is also now possible to easily find components that can be used to design efficient and effective R-410A systems.

The latest AC models are specifically designed to be compatible with R-410A for more efficient and reliable operation. Since R-410A has the capability to absorb and release more heat compared to R-22, the air conditioning compressor can also run at a much cooler temperature; this significantly reduces the risk of a compressor burnout due to excessive heating.

R-410A functions at a much higher pressure compared to R-22; thus the latest compressors are also built to endure greater stresses; this reduces the chances of cracking.

HFCs – some facts

    • All AC units use a specific oil to ensure the


    •  is well lubricated during operation. Mineral oil is used in the R-22 air conditioning systems while Polyol Ester oil (POE) is used in the R-410A systems. POE oil is typically far more soluble in R-410A than mineral oil is in R-22. It means the former system operates much more efficiently, reducing


    • -related wear and tear. Aside from this, certain HFC mixtures/blends have temperature glide, which is entirely undesirable. This is because there is an alteration in their composition in the course of the phase change. There is a minor change in the condensing and evaporating temperature at a constant pressure. Commercial AC systems that use these modern and advanced higher glide


    s are generally designed to work around various problems connected with glide, without having very little/no effect on the unit’s performance. Some states within the United States as well as local utilities offer rebates and tax incentives for buildings as well as systems that meet the green codes. U.S. Green Building Council, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Energy, and a number of other state organizations developed LEED which is the currently the most popular rating system.

The R-22 Phase-Out

In the U.S, ozone-depleting substances or ODS are all regulated either as Class I/ Class II controlled-substances. The ozone depletion potential of the former are higher and they have now been completely phased out in our country. With very few exceptions, it also means that no one can import or produce Class 1 substances. The Class II substances are essentially HCFCs that have now become the transitional substitutes for a number of Class I substances.

In stages, the U.S. phase-out has now reduced the total amount of Ozone Depleting Substances that may be imported /legally produced the country. The import as well as the production of most of the HFCs is to be completely phased out by 2020. This phase-out has been brought into effect to protect the ozone layer of the earth.

The most common hydro-fluorocarbon in use today is R-22 (Freon). It is still utilized in existing AC systems and refrigeration equipment. As the U.S phases out R-22, consumers will have to make informed choices when they are servicing, repairing, or even getting an AC replacement or when purchasing a new air conditioner. It is recommended that you consult expert AC installation companies for more information on which systems you should now opt for.

How to Combat Seasonal Allergies in Orem, Utah

Orem, Utah has wonderful weather. It’s hot, and dry, which can be incredible. It also has low wind, and humidity, and this combination can make perfect conditions for seasonal allergies. If you suffer from seasonal allergies in Orem, then there are some ways to combat them, and limit the effect on you.

The first thing you should do is check the pollen counts on a daily basis. Most local newspapers, news shows, and online websites will have the day’s pollen count. If it’s high, you should avoid going outside, if you can. You shoud also try to have someone else deal with any outdoor chores, such as weeding and lawn mowing. These chores can add to your allergies, so if you can’t find someone else to take of these jobs, then you should try to o them on days with a low pollen count, and wear a pollen mask.

If you take any over the counter medications to cope with your allergies, then you should try taking them before your symptoms appear. It’s easier for the medication to manage your symptoms if it’s already in your system. If you have very severe symptoms, then you may want to consider rinsing your eyes and nose out with over the counter solutions. You should always ask your pharmacist for advice, and use appropriate containers.

If you must go outside, you should take off your clothes and shoes as soon as possible, and try to avoid taking them into your home. You should also shower and rinse your hair to get rid of any pollens in your hair and on your body. If you have pets, you should rub them well before letting them into the house, and try to keep them off the beds.

You should try to have a shower at night, before going to bed. This can help to keep pollen off your bed sheets. If you can, you should change your sheets every week, and dry them inside. Pollen can stick to laundry outside, and then, when you bring the laundry inside, the pollen comes with it.

The air quality in your home can affect your allergies. Try to keep your windows and doors closed, and turn your air conditioner on instead to circulate air. You should change your filter regularly, and make sure that your air conditioner has been cleaned and serviced. Servicing can help keep your AC in good working order, but you may need to think about an AC replacement, if you are having problems with it. You may want to find a wholesale air conditioner retailer, as it can be cheaper, and you might find a great deal.

Seasonal allergies are not only annoying, but they can become very painful. If your allergies can’t be managed with over the counter medicines, and avoiding the allergens, then you might need to visit your doctor. Your doctor may prescribe a stronger medication for you.

Ways to Go Green with AC in Richardson, TX

In the United States, the hottest cities like Richardson, TX consumes more than 50% of the energy which add to the value of carbon monoxide emission. There is a host of un-green systems in the US, which play a key role in these statistics, but the air conditioner ranks on the top of the list. The need to save the country from the harmful carbon monoxide has made the government and people collectively put a step forward for Go Green air conditioning! But the question arises how air conditioning can go green? So, to provide you a better picture, listed below is a few points that will explain does green air conditioning saves environment and energy or there is no other option besides AC replacement.

Let us get started!

Improving the Insulation Feature of the House

Improvement in the insulation factor of your house prevents the cold air from leaking. This also restricts the system from putting an extra effort thus helping maintain the indoor environment and saving the energy cost.

Installation of Radiant Heat Barriers

Hot summer days transfer heat from outside making the air conditioner ineffective. But this is where radiant heat barriers prove to be bliss as it reduces the heat transfer into the attic thus keeping the temperature of the room cool.

Installing Ceiling Fans

Provide a helping hand to your air conditioner by installing ceiling fans. It helps in raising the level of thermostat thus making the air conditioner work at an optimal temperature in reducing the energy cost.

Insulating the Ductwork

Non-insulated places like attics, garages, and crawl spaces, reduce the cooling efficiency of the air conditioner. Therefore, proper insulation and sealing of ductwork are important in order to make the AC function properly.

Installing Programmable Thermostats

Programmable thermostats take the responsibility of handling the AC temperature. Therefore, there is no need for an owner to turn the AC up or down which impacts the home cooling costs and temperature of the room.

Replacing the Old AC

If you are using an older model, you are just increasing the energy utility bills. Therefore, contacting the wholesale air conditioner for buying a new AC is the most optimal option.

So, these are a few ways of going green with AC in Richardson, TX. Follow these tips and make an effort to save the environment and your hefty energy bills.

The Best Way Richardson Residents in Texas Control Humidity in Their Homes

Humidity is a pain as it leaves a big impact on the air quality around your home and your comfort levels. It is significant to keep the fair humidity level in a house as per the USEPA. To your surprise, you can have power over it following some of the measures that I will walk you through in this article.

Living in Texas in summers is quite hard as this city has a humid subtropical climate. The temperature goes up to 34-36 degrees Celsius which is quite high for the populace. Surfeit humidity and moisture gives birth to harmful mold and mildew that further is accountable for many damages. So now the question is how to control humidity in your house? Here are few steps:

Get your AC Checked

Although it may sound a little obvious, raising the temperature of the air conditioner helps in controlling the humidity. Switch the fan on along with the air conditioner, as the very basic rule is the humidity has an inverse relation with the temperature. The humidity drops off when the temperature augments. Keep a regular check on the AC drain pipes as they carry humidity inside the house. If your AC is not working well, go for the AC replacement from a wholesale air conditioner representative to save few bucks.

Keep Proper Ventilation

Proper ventilation is another key if you want to survive serenely in summers in Texas. While showering or opening a window, keep the ventilation fan on as it will help in decreasing the humidity levels. Cooking in the kitchen in scorching summers is another painstaking effort so the tip here is to turn the fan on. Any steam or vapours will go out through the fan thus reducing the humidity, isn’t it better?

To kick the humidity out, place the standing fans in the humid areas like kitchen, washrooms and attic etc.

Clean the Outdoors

Ensure that the downspouts clean the draining water rather than just creating the wet areas nearby your house. For your betterment, it would be good if you redirect the downspouts 5 or 6 feet away from your house to prevent the wet areas outside. Also, to keep the humidity away, always make sure to plant the gardens at least a foot away.  Now because the gutters lead to wetness, keep them clear at all times. While doing the outdoor repairs, make it a routine to fix the leaking faucets or else you would be stuck in a mess.

Follow these measures to stay away from humidity or go for Energy Star conventional dehumidifiers!

How to Combat Seasonal Allergies in Richardson, TX

Are you always stuffy on windy days? Do your eyes water when it rains?  Well, weather is a key allergy trigger, to no surprise. Spring season not only invites captivating blooms but it also opens a door for toxic allergy causing air in the environment. The spring season immediately transforms from the most enjoyable to a miserable season for the allergy sufferers. Texas is a beautiful city to live but only if we uncheck its humid subtropical climate. The cyclic change in weather often results in common seasonal allergies for most of the citizens. These allergies are not only caused due to the weather change but most of the times it is because of the poor indoor air quality.

This is why air conditioner maintenance is priority of people in Texas to ensure the fresh indoor air and avoid potential allergies.

Improve Indoor Air Quality

Environment Protection Agency has said that indoor air is 5 times more toxic than the outdoor air. And in order to keep your living environment healthy for your family, you need to take necessary measures in purifying it.

In order to improve indoor air quality in your home, these are some tips that must be followed:

  • The increased usage of air conditioner is highly encouraged. These cooling units help in dropping the pollen count in your living space. These pollens are mostly responsible for causing allergies and thus by using air conditioners, you are practically shutting the door for these pollens to enter inside your home.
  • Clean homes are less inviting for the allergy causing germs thus it is highly recommended to clean your house thoroughly at least twice a week.
  • Indoor plants are a great source to load your living environment with fresh air. According to a study conducted by NASA in 1980s, indoor plants are most effective in purifying indoor air. Spider plant, Aloe Plant, Ficus, Azaleas, Chrysanthemums, etc. are some of the great plants for air purification.
  • Air Conditioners should be cleaned before using them. The dust and dirt embedded inside these cooling units can be very harmful and cause breathing problems for asthma patients. Also, these units, if used unclean can pollute the environment. Thus, before every spring season, get your AC serviced. You must also consider AC replacement in case your house needs it.

AC plays a vital role in keeping the indoor air fresh and breathable. If you don’t own a cooling unit in Texas then consider buying them from wholesale air conditioner stores at affordable prices.

Air Conditioner Buyers Guide

The type of compressor will indicate how the unit will perform. There are 1-stage, 2-stage and modular compressors. The most efficient of the three is modular, which runs between 40 and 100 percent capacity until more power is needed. This delivers balanced, reliable cooling with little fluctuation. This type of compressor offers the most precise temperature control as well. These are the most expensive types of units. A 2-stage central air conditioner also runs at low capacity, about 65 percent. Thus, its cycles are longer and quieter. These units do a great job of dehumidifying and filtering the air. Single-stage models run at full capacity all the time, making them the least efficient. They typically produce slight temperature fluctuations, but they are far more affordable than more efficient alternatives. Please keep in mind that any air conditioner, regardless of its compressor type, will make your home more comfortable when used with a variable-speed blower in the furnace.

For many homeowners, cost is the most important consideration when selecting an AC unit. Top-of-the-line units are compared to budget units in each brand price list, allowing you to easily compare features and pricing. You can also compare brands to learn more about how each one differs.Split systems can be either a traditional air conditioner and furnace or a heat pump and air handler – or a heat pump and furnace in very cold climates. For a split system, check out gas furnace price lists for these brands. Don’t forget about the oil furnace price lists if oil makes more sense based on where you live.

Ways to go green with AC in Cypress, Texas 77433

Minor changes can go a long way in saving the earth, and going green is one effective method to prevent pollution. You can start by using less paper and switching to CFL light bulbs. You can also opt for other methods to go green. However, the question now is what are the ways to go green with your air conditioner in Cypress, Texas 77433?

How to Go Green with AC When you Need to Conserve Energy?

By nature, Cypress, Texas has more sunny days than wet days. The summer season is nearly approaching. Therefore, it will be nearly impossible for people to avoid using their air conditioner throughout the month of July. There really is no need to stop using air conditioning systems during the summer months due to the fact that there are features to conserve energy. These features ensure you keep your home more comfortable.

By doing this, air conditioner owners are promoting the cause to going green without suffering from the hot, humid weather of Cypress. Aside from this, you can do the following steps to conserve energy and  go green with your air conditioning system.

·    Turn It Off When Not In Use

Don’t forget to turn off your AC when you are not using it. When you are out for work, switch it off. When your home is already cold, you can temporarily turn it off and turn it back on when needed. When your unit is on, you can turn off other appliances or lights in your home to conserve energy and thus, promote going green.

Night time hours may not be as hot and humid as day time hours. So, try to not use your air conditioning during the night and turn off all electricity-powered appliances and devices.

·    Keep a Monthly Maintenance with a Good Service Repair Man

Another way to go green with your AC unit is to impose monthly maintenance servicing from a professional. They will keep a stringent assessment and evaluation of your air conditioner. The technician will clean your AC system thoroughly and properly. Also, he will know the correct parts to evaluate and make sure they are working properly. He will, in essence, make sure your AC is in good working condition.

Thus, the maintenance will keep your air conditioner running with a highly effective performance. Furthermore, when your air conditioning unit is working well, its energy-saving feature works well too. Hence, you are conserving energy.

In addition, when the service repair man performs regular maintenance on your AC, early detection of defects is possible. So, when your AC requires repair, he can immediately figure out what is wrong and either fix the malfunction or advise you if a replacement is needed.

A good repairman will tell you which is more beneficial for you and energy-saving. With this, if he sees that you will save more money by buying a new air conditioner instead of repairing it, he will do so. The good thing about buying an AC today is that there are various offers of wholesale air conditioner promotions.

The Best Way Cypress, Texas Residents Control Humidity in their Homes

Humidity is among the major concerns in Cypress area due to its natural climate. The city has an innate humid temperature during summer season or sunny days. Typically, Cypress has more than 200 days of hot and humid weather.

Essentials of Air Conditioning System Installation

Now that the summer season is about to begin, the residents are looking for the best way to control humidity., especially during the month of July when the heat hits the highest. The best and most common way to control humidity is by installing an air conditioning unit in your home. With this, there should be no problem creating a cool and serene ambiance in your homes

Knowing that the summer season is near, many air conditioner dealers are having promotions, with these wholesale air conditioner promosyou can get a unit at a lesser price. You only need the service of an expert for the installation of your air conditioning unit to make sure the installation is correct.

Get a Good Maintenance Service to Keep Cool During the Summer

When you have an air conditioning unit in your home you should have a monthly maintenance. Good service always comes from a legitimate and highly skilled expert. These individuals have the knowledge and work experience to ensure the unit is properly working. Hence, they are the perfect people to maintain your unit.

The experts can keep the air flowing correctly inside your home because they know how to adjust the parts and properly clean the unit. They know which component or part of your system that requires modification. They also have more knowledge on which part to clean and how to suitably clean it. They can also observe the performance of your unit in order to address any early defects or problems that may occur later. In essence, they know how to fine-tune your unit.

Cost-Effective Method of Controlling Humidity

You will avoid incurring extra charges for your AC replacement early because the service experts have ensured the perfect working condition of your unit. Therefore, you are getting rid of the humidity during the summer in your home. The air conditioning system will convert the humid air into a cool, soothing, and calm fresh air to keep you comfortable and at peace.

Allergy Prevention

Additionally, you are also getting rid of any possible allergic reactions from the heat and humidity. The air conditioning unit filters and blocks debris that carry any and all forms of allergens during the warm weather. With this in mind, a service expert plays a vital role in keeping the allergens away, because cleaning and keeping the unit clean is an essential step in service maintenance.

The debris or dust that gets stuck in the filters, coils, or drains of the air conditioning system need to be cleaned out regularly and thoroughly by these service experts every month. In the summer season, monthly maintenance needs to be imposed due to the susceptibility of the unit collecting more debris or dirt from the regular usage. Due to this hot and humid weather, the service technicians must watch the efficiency and effectively of the unit’s performance. It is a must that owners have a monthly maintenance service regularly.

Withal, the unit maintains control on the humidity of the dwellings.

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