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The Best Monthly Maintenance Tips During the Summer for Richardson Residents in Texas

Summers get extremely hot in the Richardson, TX and you have to depend on your air conditioner to maintain the right temperature at your place. On a really humid day of the season, the last thing you wish is to flip the switch on your A.C only to find that it is not working. Though air conditioners need maintenance and repairs occasionally, these effective AC maintenance tips will keep your unit running in good condition all summer long.

Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips for Summers

• Annual Service: Before the summer heat hits and you turn on your air conditioner, the most significant tip is to schedule its annual service. Professional annual service enables your unit to operate at its peak efficiency. During the service, an experienced technician will perform the essential tasks to keep your A.C running efficiently and smoothly. Service tasks generally involve identifying and fixing leaks, restoring the refrigerant levels and making changes for any mechanical issues.

• Monthly Changing of Filter: Even though the standard is to change the air filters every 3 months, it’s better to change the air filter once a month when the air conditioner is in constant use. A dirty air filter makes it difficult for your unit to run properly, while allowing the particles to evade the filter and accumulate on the unit’s components.

• Maintain Cleanliness Around the Condenser: Plants and shrubbery can limit the airflow required for the proper working of your air conditioner. Make sure they are at least 3-4 ft. from the air conditioner unit. Moreover, weekly inspection of the condenser is important weekly for prompt removal of any debris.

• Set a Reasonable Temperature: Setting the thermostat too low leads to much harder work for the unit. Ease the load by setting a reasonable temperature – you can use a smart thermostat to increase the temperature automatically while you’re away from the home. This will save you money while reducing the wear and tear of the unit.

• Call a Professional if there’s a Problem: If you find an issue with your wholesale air conditioner, hire the services of an experienced local technician in Richardson, TX. Deferring the situation may cause substantial damage to the compressor of your unit.

During the warmer days, you’re A.C is working harder than ever, making it important to perform the air conditioner maintenance. Whether you need an AC replacement or repair, hire the service of a certified technician to have your unit up and running in real time.


Richardson Residents in Texas Share Easy AC tips for Staying Cool this Summer

Summers are here! Summers in Texas, one of the hottest cities in U.S, make it impossible for the residents to resist themselves from turning on their air conditioner. To beat the heat and save money on energy bills, you need to maintain your air conditioner regularly. As the summers roll in, it’s time to explore some effective A.C maintenance tips to extend the lifetime of your A.C unit while staying cool and comfortable in your home.

Check Filters – The Foremost Essential Step!

Checking air filters and replacing it with a new one should be your first consideration. The accumulation of dust and allergens makes the filter clogged and system functioning harder thus restricting the amount of cool air to come. Therefore, replacing filters is an ideal way to enjoy the chilled wind during the hot summer days; consequently, helping to maintain the long-term health of the unit.

Protect A/C from Sunlight – A Smart Move!

Yes, you read it right! Air conditioners in shade work more efficiently because it makes it easier and less time consuming for the system to cool the air.

Heat Producing Appliances near the Thermostat – A Big No!

Stop placing the lamps, TV sets, or other heat-producing appliances near thermostat because it automatically regulates the temperature of the products and makes the air conditioner run longer than necessary. If you are experiencing some issues with your A.C, it’s recommended to call a professional for help or simply go for AC replacement.

Closing the Vents

A basement is indeed the coldest places in a house, which proves to helpful in summers the most. The cold air drawn from the AC is forced down, but moved back thus keeping the temperature of the room cool.

Change the Furniture

You may be wondering what the purpose of changing the furniture is, but there is a hidden secret to it. The furniture holds the air thus making the furniture cool instead of you! Therefore, there is a need to put plastic pieces so that proper direction is provided to the air.

So, aren’t the tips of Texas residents effective?

Follow these tips and stay cool in the hot summer days of Texas. But still if you are finding any problem with your system, you must contact a local wholesale air conditioner technician for professional advice and support. Good luck!

How Service on your Air conditioner in Texas in Richardson can help keep your system running longer and more efficient

Don’t catch the heat when the temperature rises!

With the summer temperature ready to peak, people in Richardson, TX are turning their wholesale air conditioner up to full blast.

The average homeowner spends more than $3,100 every year on energy bills, and almost half of that comes from the cooling expenses. However you can save energy and avoid the big repair bills by providing annual maintenance to your air conditioner in Richardson, TX.

Maintain Proper Performance of your Air Conditioner

The best time to get your A.C unit into top-notch shape is before the summers roll in. With regular maintenance, an air conditioner will keep up to 96% of its original efficiency. Systems running at the full capacity can reduce your annual energy costs by up to 30%.

Air conditioner replacement and maintenance procedures help you keep your unit at peak performance and get the maximum cooling from your AC system. The standard maintenance check list includes 24 points that are critical for the proper running of air conditioning system.

  • Refrigerant charge – It is extremely important that the coolant or Freon level of an air conditioning system be checked regularly. A 10% loss of coolant or Freon will cost the household 30% more in the electrical costs and can cause unwanted damage to your air conditioning unit.
  • Thermostat – Clean and fine-tune the thermostat
  • Electrical Readings – Check the amperage and voltage of electrical motors
  • Air Flow – Examine the air flow across the indoor cooling coil
  • Fan Motors – Check and lubricate the fan motors
  • Air Filters – Inspect the air filters
  • Fan Belts – Check the fan belts
  • Lubrication – Oil the moving parts
  • Electrical – Examine the electrical wiring and connections
  • Condenser Air Flow – Check the air flow across the outdoor condenser coil
  • Refrigerant Pressures – Check the running pressures on refrigerants
  • Fan Relay – Check the indoor fan relay
  • Contactor – Inspect the compressor contactor
  • Drain Lines – Examine the condensate drain
  • Indoor Coil – Examine the indoor coil
  • Reversing Valve – Check the heat pumps and their reversing valve
  • Capacitors – Check the capacitors
  • Temperature Exchange – Examine the temperature drop across the indoor coil
  • Condenser Coil – Test the outdoor coil
  • Sub-Cooling – Examine the outdoor sub-cooling
  • Super-Heat – Inspect the super-heat
  • Compressor Operation – Test the compressor operation
  • Defrost Control – Examine the defrost control
  • Crankcase Heaters – Inspect the crankcase heaters

A wholesale air conditioner unit running at its best efficiency will keep your place comfortable by maximizing the cooling and controlling humidity level. Also, it will work more reasonable and be more reliable for years to come.

Cleaning Tips from Richardson Residents in Texas For Your AC Unit

Have you been residing in Richardson, TX for a while now? You might be aware of the summer heat that hits the town in a full swing when your air conditioner is not working. Keeping the AC running throughout the summers is quite important which you cannot avoid at any cost in Richardson, TX.

You have to be certain that when cold weather turns warm, it gets uncomfortable to bear the brunt heat. To keep the air conditioner in top shape, it is essential to make the ac service available before summers approach and if required, you might have to go for an AC replacement.

Paying attention to the fact that you cannot really make it without AC, invest some time in improving the functioning of the unit. You can efficiently extend the lifespan of your unit following these easy tips:

  • Disconnect the power from the AC unit and also remove the cover and filter of the AC.
  • After every few months, the filters need to be changed when you are living in such a hot city like Richardson, TX. The filters are responsible to ensure proper cooling so clean them using water. Spray some scented wash in the water and use it for cleaning. If you are short of time to do this yourself, make sure to get it done during the yearly maintenance.
  • When the filters are cleaned, switch the power on for about 15 to 20 minutes.
  • To carry on the proper functioning of the unit, you have to clean the vent after a few months. Take help from some of the professional service providers to ensure that the duct and vents are clean and the air supply is the right amount. If the vent or duct is covered with pollutants, it is advisable to keep them free by using the proper cleaning techniques.
  • While carrying out the maintenance, be sure to check whether there is something blocking the condensing unit.
  • Lastly, check the coils and electronic controls of the air conditioner as the coils are exposed to very ruthless climatic surroundings.

So these are few AC cleaning tips which can keep your air conditioner intact in severe summers. If after following these tips, the AC doesn’t work properly as it is meant to be, I would then suggest buying a new unit from a wholesale air conditioner representative in Richardson, TX.

9 Reasons to NOT Service Your Air Conditioner

You are used to reading why you should be servicing your AC unit, but, as with all things, there are always reasons to not do something.

  1. You Already Have a Ton of Window Units:Window units, although unsightly, are easy to install and will have you cool in no time!
  2. The Unit is New and Doesn’t Need Service:It’s not like this large, expensive piece of equipment needs regular maintenance like a car, right? Be sure to service your unit from day one!
  3. Who Needs All That Freon? Coolant shmoolant. Just kidding… always keep the fluids up and the coolant flowing!
  4. Dust on the Evaporator Coil Adds Character: Check out your evaporator coil and be sure to keep the filter changed monthly. You will have a big, fuzzy mess on your hands if you don’t clean it out on a regular basis.
  5. The Water Stains Looks Nice:Neglecting to flush and clean the drain lines will cause leaks that lead to expensive water damage, including water in the ceiling. Don’t let that happen to you! Keep your unit flushed and clean.
  6. Who Cares if the Compressor Overheats? A compressor that overheats will easily cost $1,200 to repair, but that’s just chump change, right?
  7. The Leaking Duct Cools the Attic:Most home duct systems will leak within 3 to 5 years if not inspected and maintained annually! This is caused by vibration, expansion and contraction, as well as various other causes. Take the 10 minutes to inspect the duct and re-seal it, if needed.
  8. It Worked Fine 6 Months Ago: Couldn’t the same thing be said about most equipment when it fails? Stuff wears out, so be sure to inspect and maintain your unit to keep you from being left out in the heat!
  9. Who Cares if it Can’t be Fixed Until Tomorrow? The AC doesn’t wait for a nice day to break down, it’s going to do it on the hottest, stickiest day of the year. Unfortunately, that’s what happens to everyone so be prepared to wait if the unit breaks down during the peak season.

The Best Monthly Maintenance Tips During the Summer for Texas residents in Cypress

Now that summer is fast approaching, it is essential to ensure that your air conditioner is ready to withstand the upcoming seasonal summer heat. It would be of great help to hire a professional air conditioner inspection expert before the summer sets in. This way, any small problems with your AC will be fixed. This will also help you avoid creating a huge problem that can be an inconvenience later on especially in the hot, humid summer heat.

Importance of Following a Proper Maintenance

These steps are not only significant for your air comfort inside your home but they are also helpful to avoid expensive AC repair costs or an AC replacement. Earlier detection can save you a lot of money.  With all seasonal HVAC inspections having monthly maintenance done is a great tip to follow for your AC this summer. You should do it before July because in Cypress the summer climate is usually around 93 degrees. However, there are many other steps and services that you can perform on your own to keep up with the best monthly maintenance procedures.

Nonetheless, regular monthly maintenance is important to protect your investment as air conditioners are hefty in price and maintenance cost. Observing stringent monthly maintenance steps provides you a massive support for your air conditioner’s optimal performance and energy efficiency. Moreover, keeping a firm monthly maintenance guideline increases the lifespan or longevity of your unit.

Following the best monthly maintenance steps will not only give you a convenient, fresh, cool air during summer but it will also be cost-effective. So, check out the list of helpful tips on how to give your air conditioning system the proper maintenance it requires which is ideal to prepare you for the summer heat.

Best Monthly Maintenance Tips during Summer Season

Change Your Air Filters Regularly

It is advisable and highly recommended that you need to change your air filters every 3 months. Although for a smoking property owner or homeowners who have pets, changing the air filter every month might be needed. Cypress, Texas has several local hardware and home improvement stores where you can purchase new air filters. You can also buy air filters in bulk online or at your preferred HVAC service provider location. Or you can find your local wholesale air conditioning supplier and purchase it from them.

Air filters come in different dimensions. So, your air filter has its own distinct dimension. You must purchase the right size for your air filter. It would be best to purchase a few air filters for your air condition system, so you will have spare ones on standby.

Conduct A Periodic Cleaning Process

Whatever kind of system you have, cleaning is always an essential part and among the best monthly maintenance steps that should be performed. You must clear off clutter and dust every other week during this summer. Make sure to clear away all sorts of debris that may be cluttering in your outdoor condensing unit. The accumulation of the clutter can affect the performance of your air conditioning system’s efficiency.

How Service on your Air conditioner in Texas in Cypress can help keep your system running longer and more efficient.

In keeping your air conditioner well-maintained, you will be saving money on energy, and thus, extending the life of your system. When you are following a proper maintenance guideline and routine to your air conditioning system, you will avoid extra expenditures due to the cost of early AC replacement.

Your air conditioning system requires regular attention to ensure it is operating at the highest performance and efficiency. Your air conditioning system will have an interior and exterior unit that you must maintain. Cypress, Texas has more than 200 sunny days. So, people are expected to have their own air conditioning unit especially during July which is the hottest among all other months in the year.

Having said this, it is indeed crucial that AC owners or companies who are buying a wholesale air conditioner systems must know and observe proper maintenance which includes the unit being serviced by a professional.

Benefit of a Good Service on an Air Conditioning System Unit

  • Avoid Accumulation of Unwanted Debris

Whether it is your heater during the winter season, or your air conditioning system during summer season, the unit needs to be free from any form of debris. This way, you are sure that there aren’t any obstructions in your heating and cooling system.

Debris or any form of dirt can block the system which may cause inefficiency and damage to your unit. You must remember that your AC system is an investment. Therefore, you should protect your investment well, and one way of doing so is to acquire a professional service from highly skilled technician.

  • Guarantees Unit’s Good Working Condition

A professional expert’s service assures you of keeping your unit in good working condition. The experts are well-adept and skillful in the technical features of your air conditioning unit. They know every single part of your unit’s interior and exterior system. They know how every component works and functions. So, they can guarantee they’re able to keep your ac unit working properly.

  • Early Detection of Parts Defects

During a service, the expert checks and evaluates every part of your air conditioning system. Therefore, when you have a regular service on your air conditioning system, any defects or malfunctions will be detected at an earlier time. With this, you are preventing damages from occurring in your air conditioning system unit.

  • Proper Cleaning Maintenance

Lastly, the service also includes a proper procedure of cleaning your air conditioning unit which only highly skilled experts would know. There are parts that require meticulous cleaning procedure, and other components may need a less rigorous cleaning method. In other words, every part of the unit needs specific cleaning and maintenance. With all the benefits mentioned above of acquiring a service for your air conditioning system, you can keep your unit running for a longer period of time.

Cleaning tips from Cypress residents in Texas 77433 for your AC unit

Cleaning your air conditioning system plays a vital role in maintaining your unit. When your air conditioner is properly maintained, you can make sure of its longevity and great savings on your end. If it is properly maintained you will not spend money on early AC replacement due to observing a proper maintenance procedure.

Cypress, Texas residents in 77433 zip code typically require the cooling comfort of an air conditioning system. They especially need this during the summer season as they have humid weather this time of year. July is the hottest time of the year in Cypress. Therefore, air conditioning units can greatly help in maintaining the level of air comfort in the area.

Steps of Cleaning Tips for your AC Unit

  • Turn Off the Power

Working with electricity requires careful and utmost attention due to the risk of dangers that come along with it. Before you even start cleaning your AC unit, do not forget to turn off or shut down the power supply. Do not clean the unit while it is turned on. The possibility of being struck or electrocuted from the moving parts of the air conditioning unit are high.

So, the very first step in cleaning your AC is to completely shut off the power to the unit. Look for an exterior shut off box near the AC unit, and turn it off. You should also shut down the power off switch at the circuit breaker box.

  • Take Out the Debris or Remove the Dust

You can start cleaning the AC unit by removing the fan cage on the exterior of the unit. You will need a screwdriver to remove the fasteners to take off the cage or the fan grill from the top of the AC unit. Then you can begin cleaning the debris and dust by either using a wet or dry vacuum.

  • Clean the Fins

Next step to the process is cleaning the fins. You can do this by using a strong flow of water from a garden hose. Spray the hose through the fins from the inside out to wash away any dirt or debris build up from between them. Avoid using a pressure washer because it can damage the fins. You can also use a commercial fin cleaning spray for particularly dirty fins. Keep in mind while using new equipment always read the instructions before use for optimal performance.

  • Perform a Complete Cleaning Procedure

Aside from the fins, do not forget to clean other parts of your AC unit. Also clean the area around the unit, the evaporator coil, filter, and evaporator drain. There might also be debris and clogged drains that will prohibit your AC system to function effectively and efficiently. Cleaning all areas are important to improve the air conditioners performance.Finally, once it is cleaned you can turn your AC back on to test it. Then you will notice the difference in the air quality and how the air conditioner operates.

A Guide to Finding Reliable Air Conditioning Repair

Energy costs are on the rise and it’s more important than ever to make sure your HVAC system is performing at peak efficiency. All homeowners should have their unit serviced twice annually, once before the heating season and once before the cooling season. Service calls are inevitable, and when that does happen you must have a quality, reliable air conditioning repair company on call for your unit. The first thing to do is check their training and background. Does the company provide continuing education for their technicians? What are the qualifications to become a technician in their company? Finding a company that educates and equips their technicians with the latest and greatest in HVAC technology will be an asset. A good place to start looking for a qualified HVAC technician is the internet. Check out the company’s website, but also see if there are any reviews available on Facebook, Google, or other site of your choice. You can also see if the company you want serves your area and provides the services you are looking for.

Once you select a company and invite them to your home for a service call, take note if they have background knowledge about your unit, its manufacturer, and the type of system installed in your home. A good air conditioning repair service company will know everything there is to know about your air conditioning unit. They should also be able to talk to you about the repairs that need done and any other repairs that may arise in the future. If you find a company that you trust, see if they offer spring and fall tune-ups to keep your unit running well for many years to come. This will save you money in the long run, both in air conditioning repairs and energy costs.

Air Conditioner Leaking

By design, AC units remove moisure from the home, condenses it, and drains it from the home. The average central AC unit drains 2 to 4 gallons of water per day. The moisture pulled from the home passes over a coil, called the A-coil because of its slanted shape. It’s shape guides water into a pan. The pan is connected to a drain that removes the water from the unit and from the home. A joke among HVAC contractors is that “There are two types of drain lines: those that have clogged and those that will clog.”

At some point, if not maintained, the drain line will get plugged and cause a leak. These clogs are typically made up of dust, debris, and sometimes algae or mold growing in the moist environment. Combined, it is called sludge. It will slow down or prevent the flow of water, eventually causing a leak. Although messy, cleaning out a clogged condensate drain is a simple DYI project for a willing homeowner.

NOTE: Before beginning, use the breaker box to cut power from the HVAC unit to prevent electrical shock. This is different than cutting power off at the furnace, please use the breaker!

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Find the drain line. It’s usually a ¾-inch PVC pipe coming out of the bottom of the drain pain.
  2. Remove the sludge from the pipe with a wet/dry vacuum. Put the end of the hose right into or over the drain pipe. The success rate of this technique is more than 80 percent.
  3. If the shop vac doesn’t work, try to remove the furnace cover and suck out debris and dirt from the pan. This should probably be done anyway to prevent accumulated sludge from making its way into the drain.
  4. Once you have found the pan, use a paint scraper to remove hardened sludge and then vacuum it away.
  5. For clogs that just won’t give, which are rare, try using an air compressor to force out the clog.
  6. Be sure to clear the drain pan and drain the line once a year to remove sludge and prevent leaks from happening in the first place.

If none of these methods work, there may be a hole in the drain pain. These pans can corrode and rust through over time. It’s not necessarily common, but it does happen. If you find a hole or holes in the drain pain, purchase a quality, water-resistant patching material to repair the drain pan. If all else fails, replace the drain pan or contact your trusted HVAC contractor for a service call. Many people are surprised to learn that this is a DIY project. If you have the right tools and the confidence, then save the money and attempt to clear the clog yourself. Don’t forget to cut the power from the breaker box. Good luck!

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